Similar in name to schizophrenia, but different. This time we will try to understand what schizotypal disorder is.
In many sources, they are called schizotypal personality disorders, because in a sense they are similar to personality disorders with their long-term, slow course, which often begins in adolescence, on the other hand, schizophrenia-like manifestations can be seen, although they are not so pronounced as to determine the diagnosis of schizophrenia . In the case of schizotypal disorders, there are also no unequivocal criteria, but rather a set of I r characteristics that allow arriving at a diagnosis.
The most common manifestations of schizotypal disorder can be:
- Discomfort, expressed anxiety when being in society, difficulties in forming social relations, fitting into generally accepted norms of communication (for example, making eye contact, saying hello, etc.);
- emotional coldness and inadequate emotionality, anhedonia (difficulty experiencing pleasure, joy);
- Intrusive judgment;
- Disturbances in thinking and perception, sometimes transient quasi-psychotic episodes with intense delusions, auditory or other hallucinations and nightmare-like ideas, usually occurring without external provocation
- No close friends or confidants except first degree relatives.
- Peculiar, eccentric behavior and mannerisms.
- Strange, unusual thoughts and speech, such as using excessively abstract or concrete phrases, or using phrases or words in unusual ways.
- Unusual perceptual experiences, magical beliefs, such as thinking that they have special, paranormal abilities.
- Unusual interpretation of ordinary situations or events, for example by giving them a symbolic meaning.
- Suspicion, paranoia about the intentions of others.
- There is a lack of motivation and it is difficult to achieve success in the educational and work environment.
- There is often a lack of awareness of how my thoughts and behavior affect others.
It is not uncommon for such a patient to go to the doctor with complaints of anxiety or depression symptoms, and only after more careful questioning about the course of life, family history, such a diagnosis can be reached. Here, too, quite often there will be people with mental disorders in the circle of relatives.

Medicinal and non-medicinal treatments are used in the treatment of schizotypal disorders.
Medicinal treatment is symptomatic – similar to the case of other mental disorders discussed – neuroleptic drugs are used for thinking and perception disorders, antidepressants, mood stabilizers for anxiety and depressive symptoms.
Non-drug therapy (psychologist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, group therapy, etc.), which would help to understand the nature of one’s illness, recognize changes in condition and the need for treatment, improve coexistence, communication with others.
- Kirchner, S.K., Roeh, A., Nolden, J. et al. Diagnosis and treatment of schizotypal personality disorder: evidence from a systematic review. npj Schizophr 4, 20 (2018).